Colour Day Festival Albania
Influencers’ Colours
When it comes to the Colour Day Festival, it’s not just the action on stage and in front of it that is exciting; what is
going on behind it is also a treat. If you are an influencer, you can partner with us and get access to what goes on
behind the scenes. By promoting the festival, you can get your hands on a ticket, a set of colours, access to the VIP
area, and the chance to meet your favourite artists. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

* (Completing the form is not instant approval;
the Working Group will choose based on the purpose and content of your account. You will be notified by email of approval).

* (Completing the form is not instant approval;
the Working Group will choose based on the purpose and content of your account. You will be notified by email of approval).
Colour Day Festival Albania